
Mid-term meeting of IVEA

On 09/03/2023

Thi. 2023 s edition of SIA was marked by venue of  the mid-term meeting of the IVEA project (Green Routes for Albanian Livestock), co-funded by the General Directorate of the Treasury, CNPA, IDELE, ROM Sélection and CORAM and implemented by IDELE/BCTI. The event gathered the institutional partners (Ministries of Finance and Agriculture), the project leaders led by IDELE/BCTI as well as the members of the business club supporting the project: ALIPLUS, FGE, AURIVA, OSON, CAPGENES, IMV, SYNETICS, VOLTALIA, SERAP, BOCCARD and ENERPRO. The objective of the meeting was to present the progress of the project to date. The exemplary nature of the project in terms of the richness of the partnership and the level of commitment of the partners (in-kind contributions from the companies) was praised by the General Directorate of the Treasury and the DGPE of the Ministry of Agriculture.