Did you know?

On 04/08/2022

Memento ouz

The "International Handbook for Livestock farming advisors"  exists now in 5 languages,The printed version is available in French, Arabic, Uzbek an Cinghalese. The English version is yet to be published.

The aim of this handbook is to set out the minimum requirement for successful assistance to livestock farmers.

There are so many unforeseeable external events that can make action useless or ineffective that it is necessary to ensure that advisers have the best possible chance of achieving success.

The endeavour here is to provide personalised support that covers all the technical areas involved in animal production whether involving cattle, sheep, dairy or meat production: forage production, nutrition and rations, reproduction and selective breeding, rearing young livestock, milking and milk quality, housing and equipment.

The economic dimension is not forgotten here given that the main goal for farmers and  their families is in many cases to raise their income levels



